clinical social work association

The National Voice of Clinical Social Work 

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Legislative Alert: Message to CMS about Medicare Cuts

December 27, 2024 11:11 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

September 24, 2020

On September 16, you should have received a Legislative Alert to members of Congress regarding the proposed cut to Medicare reimbursement for LCSWs scheduled for January 1, 2021 ( copied below). Many thanks to the hundreds of members who have sent these messages. If you have not done so, it is not too late. While the issue of Medicare cuts is being opposed in the House through Rep. Rush’s letter, it is fine to send your message to Senators as well. All messages must be sent by October 5, 2020.

Now I am asking you to send another message directly to CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services), the organization that oversees reimbursement rates for all Medicare providers, including LCSWs. Both messages are necessary to make our position on this issue clear by October 5, 2020. Send the following message (use your own words if you like) to the following link:

“I am a Medicare provider [if you are] and wish to express my concern about the proposed rate reduction for Clinical Social Workers set to begin on January 1, 2021. Clinical Social Workers are already paid 25% less than other mental health providers for the same CPT Codes as other mental health providers. Though some psychotherapy CPT codes have increased, the 10.6% cut will result in a net reduction of about 7%. My fixed costs have not changed and I cannot afford this reduction in my fees for my mental health services.

The onslaught of COVID-19 has increased the need for mental health services. Please make it possible for me to continue to provide them by eliminating the proposed Medicare reimbursement cut.”

As always, let me know when you have sent both messages at Thanks for your help.

- Laura Groshong, LICSW, CSWA  Director of Policy and Practice, Government Relations Chair

PO Box 105
Granville, Ohio  43023

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