Become a CSWA Affiliated SocietyAs a CSWA partner, Affiliates give their members opportunities to tap into the many different efforts that the national association is working on. CSWA's group affiliation with associations allows us all to be a collective voice that helps to strengthen the field's influence at the national level. Working together we reinforce the needs of the profession. CSWA invites you to join with the other state societies to advocate for clinical social work interests at both the state and national levels. CSWA’s affiliation with your state society, along with individual memberships of licensed clinical social workers, is crucial to our profession.
Standard Affiliated Society BenefitsIn receipt of the Standard Affiliation dues ($250), the Society may/will:
Enhanced Affiliated Society BenefitsIn receipt of the Enhanced Affiliation dues ($1000), the Society may/will:
Are you interested in learning more about starting a state society or becoming affiliated with CSWA? Feel free to reach out to CSWA's Affiliated Society Relations Chair! We are happy to consult and assist in the process. Meet CSWA's Current Affiliated Societies |