clinical social work association

The National Voice of Clinical Social Work 

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Oppose Indefinite Detention of Immigrants

December 26, 2024 11:05 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

November 16, 2018

With all the other issues that have been demanding our attention this election season, the effort by the administration to detain immigrants indefinitely flew under the radar.

The administration has proposed new regulations that, among other things, would expand its powers to detain immigrant families indefinitely, as compared to the current situation where there is a limit to how long they can detain minors. The proposed rule, Apprehension, Processing, Care, and Custody of Alien Minors and Unaccompanied Alien Children, would allow the federal government to open its own detention centers with unlimited detention. Currently, these centers must be licensed by states with state oversight. As you know, the administration has been trying to implement this policy by ignoring the states and keeps losing in court. That is why this attempt to bring the policy under Federal oversight is being made.

PLEASE send the message below to the website at TODAY by 5 pm EST.

“I am a clinical social worker and a member of the Clinical Social Work Association. Please do not pass the proposed rule 2018-19052 which would allow immigrants to beheld indefinitely. This is very harmful to children and adults. The states need the freedom to continue managing this complex situation.”

Thanks for your help and apologies for the late notice.

PO Box 105
Granville, Ohio  43023

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