clinical social work association

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Red Cross - Hurricane Harvey

December 24, 2024 11:07 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

August 29, 2017

The Red Cross IT system is down. They hope to have it back up by the end of the day. In the meantime, fill out the form at and you will be contacted. Keep trying the link below as well. ~LWG

Red Cross has initiated a direct deployment for Hurricane Harvey. This program is for those who are not currently a Red Cross volunteer. I have attached a document with two versions regarding the Direct Deployment program that you can use to share this information far and wide and get the word out.

These Event Based Volunteers (EBVs) will be 'screened' and followed by a mental health volunteer to guide and support them thru the process. The process has been streamlined and formalized since it was developed last year. To check it out yourself click on the link: . They must deploy for 9 days which includes 1 day on each end for travel, plus take a few classes online and other paperwork. Important to note that eligibility now includes retirees and out of state licenses.

Please post this on your respective websites, Facebook, LinkedIn, emails, listservs etc. It is anticipated that this will be a long haul with a great need for mental health.

Current volunteers are encouraged to note their availability in Volunteer Connection contact their local Staffing person. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at

PO Box 105
Granville, Ohio  43023

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