July 28, 2017
In the dead of night this morning, an attempt was made was made to by Sen. Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader (R-KY), to pass a repeal of the Affordable care act through a "skinny" version of the House American Health Care Act which had been passed by the House. The bill, which was released two hours prior to the vote, had little "debate" and no committee hearing.
I can't thank all of you who contacted your senators and other senators about what ending the ACA would do for access to mental health treatment enough. The senators who prevented this disaster for millions of Americans should be thanked include Sens. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Susan Collins (R-ME), and most importantly, John McCain (R-AZ) who had just undergone brain surgery and made the bravest decision of his career in voting against this bill. Please make calls to them for their principled stance.
Also thank Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) for her last ditch attempt to have the bill sent to the HELP Committee before the vote to approve it which, though it failed, showed the Senate how far from usual process it had strayed. Please make calls to all the senators above using the link https://www.senate.gov/senators/contact/. Also thank your own senators if any of them opposed this bill.
We will see if there is any last gasp effort by the Senate to ram through some version of this bill but at this time it appears unlikely.
As always, let me know when you have made your calls.
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