June 21, 2016
Four major national social work organizations - NASW, CSWA, CSWE, and ASWB - have been developing draft Social Work Technology Standards for the past two and a half years. These standards will cover every area in clinical social work practice that may be affected by the use of technology including clinical practice, record-keeping, education, and macro social work. Many thanks to Laura Groshong, CSWA Director of Policy and Practice, who served as CSWA's representative on the Task Force that put in hundreds of hours on this project.
These standards have been posted for public comment until July 20, 2016. They are available at the following link with instructions on how to submit comments: http://www.socialworkers.org/practice/naswstandards/TechnologyStandardsInSocialWorkPractice/CommentSubmission.aspx Another way to obtain the draft standards is to go to www.socialworkers.org. To the right, look for the “What’s New” box. Scroll down and click on “Draft Technology Standards in Social Work Practice.”
Comments must be submitted by July 20, 2016 to be considered. After consideration of the changes by the Task Force, the draft technology standards will be submitted for review and approval to the NASW Board of Directors in September, 2016 and the other organization Boards (CSWA will meet in October).
The goal is to have these standards published by the end of 2016.
CSWA is proud to have been a participant in this important project and encourages all members to review the draft standards and send comments.
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