December 17, 2016
I am delighted to inform you that Margot Aronson, LICSW, CSWA Deputy Director of Policy and Practice and CSWA Vice-Chair of the Government Relations Committee, has been elected to the Mental Health Liaison Group Board of Directors.
MHLG is the premier mega-coalition nationally of mental health groups, having over 70members and affiliates. Margot has graciously and articulately presented CSWA’s positions on a wide variety of topics at MHLG for the past 10 years, building many relationships that have helped CSWA become an influential voice in this major mental health network. This dovetails well with the lobbying work that Margot and I do on behalf of CSWA with members of Congress, the White House, DHHS, CMS, and many other federal bodies that affect clinical social work practice. Congratulations, Margot!
On a related note, Margot and I ask everyone to take the 2017 Advocacy Survey which will help us develop CSWA priorities for advocacy work in 2017. There are many potential threats to our ability to provide clinical social work services and we need your help to make these almost impossible choices of where to put our energy. If you have already taken the Survey, thank you. If not, please do so by December 28 at
As we face a difficult time for our country and clinical social work, CSWA is here to make sure our voices are heard.
We wish you happy and fulfilling holidays.
- Laura Groshong, LICSW, CSWA Director of Policy and Practice
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