September 2, 2016
As you know from the numerous CSWA posts about the Senate mental health bill, S. 2680, the Mental Health Reform Act of 2016, this bill is the best option in terms of passing a real mental health plan that works. The House bill, HR 2646 is considerably weaker. S. 2680 creates the enforcement that the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act failed to implement. It will make psychotherapy available to the 50% of Americans who currently do not have access to treatment.
Please send the following message to your senators at BY TOMORROW, September 3. Apologies for the late notice but the strategy including rolling contacts by mental health associations and today is the day for CSWA to send our support.
Dear Sen. ______:
I am a constituent and a member of the Clinical Social Work Association, writing today to urge your Senate leadership to bring up S. 2680, the Mental Health Reform Act of 2016, for immediate consideration. This bill is the best option for giving the 68 million Americans who live with mental illness the help they need, including the 117 people who die every day by suicide. Mental health parity has failed to provide the equal coverage that it promised. Please vote for S. 2680 when it comes to the floor. Sincerely, [Your name, license, address, contact information]
As always, please let me know when you have sent your messages.
- Laura W. Groshong, LICSW, CSWA Director of Policy and Practice
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