The National Voice for Clinical Social Work
October 15, 2013
Many LCSWs have been stymied by the fact that there is so little correlation between the PQRS measures and our diagnostic codes (DSM/ICD). The only measures that mention a diagnostic code are #106 and #107 for major depression. However, ALL diagnostic codes we use can be linked with whether people smoke, drink, use substances and several other behaviors that CMS is tracking. Use the QDCs that apply to them if you are sending in information for other diagnoses, which you can find on the CSWA website at under "Clinical Practice" and then "PQRS Options". Scroll down to find the PQRS Measures and QDCs for those Measures.
There is NO deadline today for LCSWs who send in their QDCs on the CMS-1500. You can wait until February 28, 2014 to do so, though getting it out of the way sooner is a good idea. You should continue to send QDCs for Medicare patients on every claim.
I know what a difficult task this has been and hope that this information is useful in navigating these rough waters.
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